Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tornadoes on Top!

Hello all. We had a small tornado on Thursday and so have had no power, no computer, no phones. We just got power back. My computer is still away, so no real blog for a while yet. Of the 40 or so houses up here on the hill, only three had pretty minimal damage but our trees are a sad and sorry sight. My neighbor's beautiful flower garden has a huge pine across it and she is just sick, as you can imagine. But no one was hurt, all our critters are ok and if we're a little smelly, that's nothing.

I'll be back when I can.

By the way, jasmine tea that has been brewing in the fridge for 3 days is quite good and not a bit harsh or nasty. I just wish I had found out about it a different way.


Elizabeth said...

Wow - glad you're OK. I didn't think tornadoes ever hit your state - it does seem like there's more of them this year.

Steph said...

I'm so glad that you are OK!