Thursday, September 17, 2009

Crosswords and WikiTEAdia

Today was another bum tum day so all I drank was peppermint tea from
my garden, sparked with a slice or two of candied ginger. Very tasty, if I do say so myself.

Yesterday I bought myself a new NY Times Crossword puzzle book. I love them, even when they make me feel stupid. For me the ones from the late 90s, early 2000s are better, as some of the current ones are just awful to solve! Anyway, this relates to tea because one of the puzzles, from the early 1940's had this quote - "Thank God I was born after there was...[three letters]" That's right people, the correct answer is "tea". I never heard of the person, but I am going to research him and see if I can find out anything. It is not easy doing crosswords from the 1940s - so much related to the war - forgotten ships, slang, battlefields, etc. I am learning a lot and I was thrilled to see that quote.

I'm sure a lot of you use Wikipedia. I do too, for all sorts of information, currently monasteries for some reason. There is a NEW SITE that is only for Tea! It is www.wikiteadia,org and is quite new. Apparently anyone can sign up to join it and contribute, just like its sister site. There is a place for tea merchants and there are a few listed. You can add your favorites. There is some basic information about different teas and a place for different forums and discussions, not too much, so far. This is very new, so don't expect the comprehensiveness of Wikipedia. If you can contribute, I am sure you would be more than welcome.

The picture above is still sailing down the Rhine. Wish I was.

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