Today it is too hot to write, even in the house. I've mentioned Kitchen TLC (tea, life, chocolate) a few times and I finally decided to order some of their teas. I just did this Thursday and they are here already! They included two free samples, which is very kind of them.
I am only having ice tea today, which in this particular case is a melange of leftover brewed tea. It is going down very nicely. I made some sugar syrup to have on hand for tonight's guests, as I know they like theirs sweetened, but who wants to stir forever?
Perhaps by Monday I will have the cool to again do some tea tasting. I certainly hope so.
At the farmers market, not only was their new squash, but new potatoes and new corn! Did anyone say feast?
Here's something to try if you are grilling. lightly grill some peaches or nectarines and pop the slices in your tea. The grilling brings out their sweetness, adds a little caramel and if you're lucky, not much in the way of smoke. If you're like me, a bit of smoke is fine. Yum.
Have a happy weekend, drink lots of tea and keep cool.
Hope it cools off soon! Sending thoughts of cooler breezes.
Corn and squash is also in season here. I have taken some photos of interesting varieties of squash and hope to post them soon (on Cazort.net, not on my tea blog).
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